Tuesday, February 5, 2013

POS Hotel Systems

POS hotel

Hotels have a lot to gain by adopting a POS system. The technology has evolved into web-based programs that can be accessed by anyone anywhere through a computer and an Internet connection, which is very useful for chain hotels. A POS hotel system has the ability to greatly improve the operations of hotels resulting to an increase bottom-line and the chance for expansion.

This is the reason why most hotels these days have made significant investments in this direction. The time, money, and effort spent on upgrading to a POS system has allowed them to reap benefits in a more significant and lasting manner. Hotels who have held on to their old ways have found themselves having to play catch up to their enlightened competitors.

A hotel POS system can unify all the aspects of running the business through a single interface. Anything from employees logging on for their shift, to processing transactions, tracking inventory, offering discounts to patrons, and more can be accomplished through the POS system. Companies have maximised the use of their POS and greatly improved their situations.

Adopting a POS system is also a very easy process. Training staff is a breeze as they only need to learn one interface instead of learning several. Upgrading is also a simple process as the systems today are all designed to be able to handle system upgrades. A streamlined interface provides business owners and their entire staff with a user friendly interface which can support all the hotel’s transactions. An efficient system enhances customer satisfaction and attracts new business. Long wait in lines to conclude transactions is now a thing of the past. Processing credit card transactions are quicker as the system does away with the 30-second wait for approvals from credit card companies.

POS systems have now evolved into programs that can interface with vertical applications and software programs. Hoteliers can now concentrate their training efforts on just one core application used by all of the departments. A POS system can also be designed to become a very effective sales and marketing tool as it can store more information about patrons. Hotels are better able to provide customer service, particularly to their regular clients. Promotional activities as well as discounts and loyalty programs can be designed and implemented in a more efficient manner and their success is quantifiable.


Increasing the Bottom-Line with a Hotel POS

hotel POS

Hotels have received quite a leg-up from point of sale systems. The name point of sale or POS is in reference to the place where a sale transaction takes place, like the counter or the checkout, but it really is much more than that. A hotel POS is a set of computer software and hardware that can manage not only sale transactions but every aspect of the operations. It has many advantages over the cash register due to its ability to store more information in a manner that can be customised to fit hotel operations.

A POS can save time as it increases efficiency, productivity and the accuracy of data. Some of the information it can store has to do with sales, inventory, procurement, human resource, and customer service. POS systems can be evaluated based on functionality, cost, speed, and ease of use. These qualities are what hotels will be looking for when the time comes to upgrade their system. Reliability is also a major quality that a good POS system should have as the entire operations of a hotel will rely heavily on it.

Through the years POS technology has gone through a number of improvements to benefit hotels by boosting their bottom-line. The POS system started with the traditional computer that has been loaded with POS software. It came with peripherals like receipt printers and bar code scanners. This computer can be linked up with other computers throughout the hotel and the information it carries can be synced with all the others in order to simplify the tracking of inventory and sales. This system makes use of many different software programs that need to be compatible with each other.

Perhaps the most significant development in POS technology is the emergence of Internet-based POS applications. This POS system can be via the Internet from any terminal or even hand-held device that has an Internet connection plus a web browser. This type of POS program need not be installed into the computer as they are hosted on servers that are secure and that are able to update and backup real time.

One great feature of web-based POS is that it is not reliant on any one operating system so your staff could be using different types of operating systems and still be able to update the POS. The ability to access the POS makes it possible for anyone to log on anytime and anywhere to generate reports or monitor operations. You as the owner can be on your holiday and still be up-to-date on what is happening in your hotel miles and miles away.


The Benefits of Hotel Point of Sale

hotel point of sale

The hotel industry has realised huge benefits from using point of sale or POS systems. Before hotel point of sale, companies used dedicated computer terminals consist of an LED display, a magnetic strip reader, and a modem. When running credit cards, these dedicated terminals transmit the number of the credit card as well as the purchase cost to a large clearinghouse, which will verify the availability of credit and return an approved or declined message back to the point of origin. The system worked efficiently but it is a stand-alone process that had little to do with the other operational aspects of a hotel.

POS systems have changed all that by providing a fully integrated system that processes payment transactions, stores the information for future use along with an array of data relating to other hotel operations such as inventory, logistics, customer service, and more. This integration of information across all departments enables hotels to operate more efficiently. They can generate specialised reports, impart deeper insight into suppliers and clientele, streamline inventory, and perform many more actions that has never been possible before.

Training staff on POS has also been so much easier as they will have to learn a single program and interface as opposed to learning different interfaces. Companies have a lot of room to provide better customer service. Wait time in payment lines are cut short and the cashier need not ring up a credit card for verification and wait for a minute or two. Hotels can also learn more about the habits and preferences of their valued patrons by keeping a record of their requests and orders during their stay. This information enables them to provide a more personalised service that clients will greatly appreciate. They can also use this information for coming up with promotions and loyalty programs to increase their customer base.

The POS can integrate the payment process with all the other applications used by the hotel. This allows the business owner to concentrate their training efforts on a core system for managing the entire operations. Payment becomes just another efficient part of the entire operations. This capability enables the owner to dedicate more time to improving other aspects of the business like marketing and customer service.


The Switch to a Hospitality POS

hospitality POS

Just a few years back every retail businesses, particularly in the hospitality and retail industry were using cash registers to conclude a sale transaction. Then along came hospitality POS, which has successfully replaced the cash registered with more efficient point of sale computers and other equipment. If your bar, restaurant, bed and breakfast, motel, or other hospitality business is still stuck with the antiquated cash register, then it may be a good idea to learn about how a POS system can improve your overall operations.

One of the biggest advantages of a POS system is the way it can simplify your accounting process by doing away with paper records and receipts. Now your bookkeeper or accountant need not sort through thousands of paper receipts to make sense of your sales performance as they can simply generate many different kinds of financial reports. The POS system also gives your financial staff the capability of customising these reports to suit your operations.

You can manage your inventory better with a POS system. Many companies take advantage of the system’s capability to track the top selling products or services offered in order for the companies to update their procurement process based on this information. A business can also pull up sales, expenses, or inventory data on a particular period for analysis, which is something that can never be done with a cash register.

The workforce of this generation would have an easier time working with a POS system than with cash registers as they have already been exposed to a computer and they are not familiar with the workings of a cash register. Training the people on using a POS system can be conducted anytime and with many people simultaneously, instead of the one-on-one training that must be done with a cash register.

POS systems can enhance the company’s customer service by cutting the length of processing a sale transaction in half and providing more information of a customer’s receipt that a cash register can. The company can offer a more personalised service to frequent customers and establish loyalty programs that will enable them to gain more regular customers.

So it is not just the sale transaction that will be made simpler and more efficient by a POS system. It can integrate every aspect of your hospitality or retail operations giving you more control over your business. A POS system is truly a worthwhile investment that should be considered by businesses.


Hospitality Point of Sale

hospitality point of sale

Point of Sale systems are the gold standard in the entire operations of companies in the retail industry and in other industries as well. It is a program that can either be installed in computers and hand-held equipment. The POS software program can be a stand-alone program that needs to be installed in the machine or it can be contained in a web server and accessed over the Internet.

These systems are quite effective especially for retail businesses such as stores and companies in the hospitality sector. Not only does a hospitality point of sale track sale transactions, it can also record other things like inventory, customer information, and logistics. The system is also capable of generating periodic reports and customised reports to suit your nature of business.

Setting up a POS takes certain investments in equipment and technical know-how. Existing computer stations can be upgraded to a fully functioning POS with all its accompanying peripherals like a bar code scanner, and a credit card swiper. For other companies it is a complete change of equipment from cash registers to POS terminals. The POS system can be customised in such a manner that levels of access are established keeping some aspects accessible only to a select few and some aspects may be accessed by everyone.

Perhaps the biggest change a company needs to go through is to train all its users to use the POS system. Since every personnel involved in the actual operations of the business would need to have access to the information in the system, they all would have to undergo training in order to use it. This can be a challenge for companies as not all employees can be up to speed at the same time.

But the challenges and issues are far outweighed by the benefits offered by POS systems. This technology has certainly translated into savings and increased staff efficiency. The systems are now designed in such a way that it can be easily upgraded as soon as new developments in the technology emerges, which makes the POS a sound investment for any company wanting to streamline their sales, inventory, bookkeeping, customer service, as well as all the other aspects of their business.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Bar Point of Sale Basics

Point of Sale or POS is a popular phrase that refers to the location where a sale occurs. It is made up of combined computer software and hardware system used in processing the sale. A POS is what the cash register has evolved into and being a computer, it is a great improvement as it can capture, keep, share, and reproduce every detail of the transaction. It saves time and removes duplication of tasks as it improves the accuracy and efficiency of a company’s overall operation, from inventory, business reporting, customer servicing, ordering, and supplies.

There are many industries where a POS system may be used but it is quite popular in the hospitality and service industries. There are many different types of restaurant and bar point of sale systems based on capacity, functionality, cost, and other factors. At the very least a POS system has to be reliable and efficient at tracking each and every transaction.

The POS has undergone various changes from the time it was introduced in the late 20th century until the early 21st century. The first types of POS systems came out in the 1970s and consist of a computer terminal with a POS software program, a scanner for bar codes, and a receipt printer. In a retail outlet like a supermarket, there would be several linked terminals operating simultaneously.

Today, most POS systems are web-based, which means that the POS software is accessed from any computer in a hosted server through an Internet browser. There is no need to install a POS software because it already in the server. Data on the transactions can be accessed anytime and anywhere through a computer and an Internet connection. A new addition to web-based POS systems is the mobile POS, which are now very popular in the restaurant industry. A mobile POS is installed in a tablet-PC or similar hand-held devices and can be carried around by a staff to take orders or tally up a bill. POS systems have made retail operations easier and more efficient. These systems offer a very good alternative to cash registered that is why a lot of businesses have made the switch.
